<div style="" class="title">SEVEN SECOND SANDWICH SIMULATOR</div>
(set: $titleTimer to 0)<div class="Sandwich" style="margin: 1em auto; height: 10em; vertical-align: bottom">[]<titleSandwich|</div>
(set: $score to 0)
[[Let's Get Started!|SSSS]]
HIGH SCORE: $HighScore{
(live: 100ms)[(set: $titleTimer to it + 1)
(if: $titleTimer is 8)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient bread">Bread</span>]]
(if: $titleTimer is 6)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient lettuce">Lettuce</span>]]
(if: $titleTimer is 5)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient cheese">Cheese</span>]]
(if: $titleTimer is 4)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient meat">Meat</span>]]
(if: $titleTimer is 3)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient tomato">Tomato</span>]]
(if: $titleTimer is 1)[(prepend: ?titleSandwich)[<span class="ingredient bread">Bread</span>]]
}{(set: $timer1 to 70)
(set: $sandwich to "")(display: "SandwichOrder")
}<span class="order">Make a $sandwichOrder sandwich!</span>
<span class="timer">[7]<Main|</span>
(set:$timer1 to it - 10)
(if: $sandwich is in $sandwichCheck)[(go-to:"Win")]
(if: $timer1 is 60)[(replace:?Main)[6]]
(if: $timer1 is 50)[(replace:?Main)[5]]
(if: $timer1 is 40)[(replace:?Main)[4]]
(if: $timer1 is 30)[(replace:?Main)[3]]
(if: $timer1 is 20)[(replace:?Main)[2]]
(if: $timer1 is 10)[(replace:?Main)[1]]
(if: $timer1 is 0)[(replace:?Main)[0(go-to:"Fail")]]
<div class="IngredientList">
(set: $array1 to (shuffled:
'<span class="menuBread">(link-repeat: "Bread")[(set: $sandwich to "B" + it)(prepend: ?sandwich)[<span class="ingredient bread">Bread</span>]]</span> ',
'<span class="menuMeat">(link-repeat: "Meat")[(set: $sandwich to "M" + it)(prepend: ?sandwich)[<span class="ingredient meat">Meat</span>]]</span> ',
'<span class="menuCheese">(link-repeat: "Cheese")[(set: $sandwich to "C" + it)(prepend: ?sandwich)[<span class="ingredient cheese">Cheese</span>]]</span> ',
'<span class="menuLettuce">(link-repeat: "Lettuce")[(set: $sandwich to "L" + it)(prepend: ?sandwich)[<span class="ingredient lettuce">Lettuce</span>]]</span> ',
'<span class="menuTomato">(link-repeat: "Tomato")[(set: $sandwich to "T" + it)(prepend: ?sandwich)[<span class="ingredient tomato">Tomato</span>]]</span> '))
(print: ($array1.join("")))
<span class="menuRedo">(link-repeat: "START OVER")[(set: $sandwich to "")(replace: ?sandwich)[]]</span>
<div class="Sandwich">|sandwich>[]</div>You didn't finish the sandwich in time! Your score was $score.(if: $score > $HighScore)[(set: $HighScore to $score)](set: $score to 0)
[[Try Again|SSSS]]
(set: $timer2 to 3)(live:1s)[{
(set: $timer2 to it - 1)
(if: $timer2 is 2)[(replace: ?Timer)[2]]
(if: $timer2 is 1)[(replace: ?Timer)[1]]
(if: $timer2 is 0)[(go-to:"SEVEN SECOND SANDWICH SIMULATOR")]
}](set: $string to "2")|Stuff>[Bagels]
(link: "Add")[(set: $string to it + "1")(prepend: ?Stuff)[Cream Cheese
$string]](set: $score to it + 1)You made the sandwich! Your score is: $score.(if: $score > $HighScore)[(set: $HighScore to $score)]
([3]<Timer|) [[Keep stackin'!|SSSS]]
(set: $timer2 to 3)(live:1s)[{
(set: $timer2 to it - 1)
(if: $timer2 is 2)[(replace: ?Timer)[2]]
(if: $timer2 is 1)[(replace: ?Timer)[1]]
(if: $timer2 is 0)[(go-to:"SSSS")]
(if: $score < 3)[(set: $order to (random: 1, 5))]
(else-if: $score > 5)[(set: $order to (random: 6, 12))]
(else:)[(set: $order to (random: 3, 8))]
(if: $order is 1)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "cheese")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BCB"))]
(if: $order is 2)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "meat")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMB"))]
(if: $order is 3)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "cheese and meat")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BCMB","BMCB"))]
(if: $order is 4)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "cheese and lettuce")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BCLB","BLCB"))]
(if: $order is 5)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "lettuce and tomato")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BLTB","BTLB"))]
(if: $order is 6)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "toast")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BBB"))]
(if: $order is 7)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "meat, lettuce and cheese")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMLCB","BMCLB","BLCMB","BLMCB","BCLMB","BCMLB"))]
(if: $order is 8)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "meat, lettuce and tomato")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMLTB","BMTLB","BLTMB","BLMTB","BTLMB","BTMLB"))]
(if: $order is 9)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "meat, cheese and tomato")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMCTB","BMTCB","BCTMB","BCMTB","BTCMB","BTMCB"))]
(if: $order is 10)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "lettuce, cheese and tomato")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BLCTB","BLTCB","BCTLB","BCLTB","BTCLB","BTLCB"))]
(if: $order is 11)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "double decker meat")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMBMB"))]
(if: $order is 12)[(set: $sandwichOrder to "meat, cheese, lettuce and tomato")(set: $sandwichCheck to (ds:"BMCLTB",
}(if: $Score > $HighScore)[(set: $HighScore to $Score)](set: $HighScore to 0)